
Watermelon Cookies西瓜曲奇

Watermelon Cookies西瓜曲奇


【甜菜根粉】中富含丰富的叶酸和铁元素,食用可以预防缺铁性贫血,甜菜根粉中含有的皂角甙类物质,可将肠内胆固醇结合成不易吸收的混合物质排出,能减低血液中胆固醇的含量,达到降血脂的目的。 【大麦苗粉】含有丰富的膳食纤维和叶绿素、抗氧化酵素等营养素,具有保护肝脏、增强细胞活力等保健的作用。


140克 低筋面粉

70克 黄油

30克 手工红冰糖

1个 鸡蛋

2克 甜菜根粉

2克 大麦苗粉

2克 泡打粉

适量 黑芝麻



1) 锅中加入手工红冰糖,以10秒/速度10打碎。

2) 锅中插入起泡器,加入黄油、鸡蛋,以2分钟/速度3 搅拌。

3) 加入低筋面粉、泡打粉,以6分钟/搅拌。

    取出分成2:1的面团,份量多的面团中加入甜菜根粉,少的加入大麦苗粉,分别, 以1分钟/搅拌。

4) 将红色面团搓成圆形长条,盖上保鲜膜,放入冰箱冷冻30分钟。将绿色面团擀成长方形卷在冷冻好的红色面团上继 续 

     冷冻30分钟。 取出切片,放入烤盘,加上黑芝麻装饰,放入烤箱180度预热好的烤箱,烤制22分钟。


140 g low-gluten flour

70g butter

30g handmade red rock sugar

1 egg

2 g beetroot powder

2 g barley grass powder

2g baking powder

Right amount black sesame



  1. Add handmade red rock sugar to the pot and grind it at 10 seconds/speed 10.
  2. Insert a bubbler into the pot, add butter and eggs, and stir at 2 minutes/speed 3.
  3. Add low-gluten flour and baking powder, and mix for 6 minutes.
  4. Take out the dough that is divided into 2:1, add beetroot powder to the dough with a large amount, and add barley grass powder to the dough with a small amount, respectively, 1 minute/stir.
  5. Knead the red dough into a long round strip, cover it with plastic wrap, and freeze it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll the green dough into a rectangular roll on the frozen red dough and continue
  6. Freeze for 30 minutes. Take out the slices, put them in a baking tray, add black sesame seeds, put them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, and bake for 22 minutes.