
Black Tea Cake 红茶蛋糕

Black Tea Cake 红茶蛋糕


50 克 细砂糖

4 颗 鸡蛋(约53-63克)

90 克 低筋面粉

10 克 红茶叶

150 克 原味酸奶

10 克 色拉油







2.将低筋面粉和红茶叶放入主锅,以10 秒/速度 10研磨,倒入另一个碗内备用。清洁主锅擦干备用。

3.插入蝴蝶棒。将蛋白放入主锅,不需盖上量杯,以3 分 30 秒/速度4打发,同时,从主锅盖孔慢慢将事先称好的50克细砂糖加入主锅。

4.取下蝴蝶棒。将打发好的蛋白倒入大碗内备用。将原味酸奶、色拉油和蛋黄放入主锅,以1 分/速度4搅拌。加入面粉茶叶混合物,以40 秒/速度 4搅拌,

5.加入一半打发好蛋白,翻拌均匀后,再加入剩下的一半蛋白,再次翻拌均匀,倒入弹簧扣蛋糕模 (Ø 15 cm)内,轻轻震动模具,排除较大气泡后,加盖上耐热保鲜膜备用。


7.架上蒸锅,置入蛋糕模并确保留有孔洞保持蒸汽通畅,盖上蒸锅盖,以50 分/120°C/速度2蒸煮。




50 g caster sugar

4 eggs (about 53-63 g)

90 g low-gluten flour

10 g black tea leaves

150 g plain yogurt

10 g salad oil

800 grams of water


1. Separate the whites and yolks of 4 eggs for later use.

2. Put low-gluten flour and black tea leaves into mixing bowl, grind at 10 seconds/speed 10, and pour into another bowl for later use. Clean the mixing bowl and dry it for later use.

3. Insert the butterfly stick. Put the egg whites into the mixing bowl without covering the measuring cup, and beat at 3 minutes 30 seconds/speed 4. At the same time, slowly add 50 grams of pre-weighed confectioners into the mixing bowl from the hole in the mixing bowl lid.

4. Take off the butterfly stick. Pour the whipped egg whites into a large bowl and set aside. Put plain yogurt, salad oil and egg yolk in mixing bowl and stir 1 min/speed 4. Add the flour tea mixture and stir at 40 sec/speed 4.

5. Add half of the egg whites, stir evenly, then add the remaining half of the egg whites, stir again evenly, pour into the spring cake mold (Ø 15 cm), shake the mold lightly to remove large bubbles, Cover with heat-resistant plastic wrap for later use.

6. Put water in mixing bowl and boil at 10 min/120°C/speed 2.

7. Set up the steamer, put in the cake mold and make sure that there are holes to keep the steam unobstructed, cover the steamer lid and steam at 50 min/120°C/speed 2.

8. Carefully remove the steamer, take off the plastic wrap immediately after taking out the cake mold, shake the cake mold a few times, buckle it on the cooling rack, let it cool, and release the mold, and then enjoy after cutting into pieces.